What do I get?

Inspiration. References. Thoughts. Motivations.

Sometimes I’ll focus on an artist, a movement, a personality, a trend from modern art and show how it can be translated into the world of advertising creativity.

Sometimes I might post some of my own art in the form of writing or imagery.

Occasionally other people will guest edit, these have been primarily people that work in advertising – but there are no rules.

Who reads it?

People who work in advertising. People who work with advertising people. People who like advertising (they exist!) People who want to understand art from a different perspective. People who make stuff. People who want to make stuff better. People who are creative. People who say they’re not creative.

Kunst Please?

That’s a podcast about modern art that this ‘sletter kind of replaced. It has less to do with advertising, and more to do with art. It’s fun to say and fun to listen to!

Thanks for reading.

Jonathan ✌️

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